Please select the category that best matches your product. The category you choose will determine where the product appears on the category-specific ACON product page.
If you choose a category that is unrelated to the product, your category may be altered during the review process.
Category map
Refer to the category map if you're not sure which category your product falls under.
The categories are first classified according to the product type, then they are classified according to the composition of the product a second and third time.
Please exercise caution when selecting the category for these types of products!
3D and 2D products (such as speech bubbles, frames, effect lines, and sound effects) should be registered as visual effects.
Procreate brushes should be registered under Brushes > Sketch/Coloring.
The options for the 2nd and 3rd categories will vary depending on your selection of the primary category.
Set Genre
Please Set the Appropriate Genre for Your Product