파트너 가이드

Familiarize with copyright rules

ACON is an intermediary platform, and sellers shall be fully responsible for all products sold.
To help you avoid potential legal issues, we’ve provided essential training materials that you should review before creating digital assets.

Guide to copyright training materials

The following is a brief educational resource on the risks of violating trademark, copyright, and unfair competition laws. Hence, use the topics below as a guide when creating digital assets to ensure you do not infringe on others' rights.
This applies only to the creation of digital assets using specific items and objects as references and does not cover the copyright for photos or videos.
Copyrighted photos cannot be used even with inferential blurring they must be created anew.

Cultural property

Natural cultural heritage
No copyright
Man-made architecture/manufactured cultural property
Copyright for older cultural property may lapse, as it is protected for 70 years after the creator's death.

Building architecture

If you sell assets on the platform as part of a Paranormal Foreground
When only specific preexisting structures are sold as the main products in their current state.
When a piece of work is copied for the intention of being sold (as stated in Article 35.2.4 of the Copyright Act).

Product design

Requires variation
For cars, elements such as the shape of the headlights and the curves of the body are also considered aspects of design creativity.
According to Article 2.15 of the Copyright Act, 'applied artistic works' are artistic creations that can be reproduced in the same form on goods and are distinguishable from the goods used to recognize their uniqueness. This includes designs, among other things. Product designs can be protected under the Copyright Act if their creativity is recognized. Therefore, reproducing and selling products like automobiles and electronic devices without altering the detailed design may constitute unauthorized copying and copyright infringement. Adequate re-creation of the design is required to avoid such issues.
Article 93 (Scope of protection of registered designs) The definition of a design under Article 2 (Definitions) is as follows: Design” refers to the shape, form, color, or combination of these elements of a commodity (including its parts, fonts, and images), which creates an aesthetic impression through visual perception.
ACON adheres to legal standards, and all applicable laws are based on the Republic of Korea.

Logo & brand trademarks

Requires variation
With the rise of collaborations between real-world brands and virtual goods in games and metaverse, there has been a surge in trademark applications and registrations. It is important to stay vigilant in this evolving landscape.
Examples of logos and trademarks that require sufficient variation
For government organizations
Brand-related, such as automobiles, electronics
Other brand-related
This educational resource provides basic knowledge and does not guarantee comprehensive examples. For more information, please contact the Korea Copyright Commission or the Korea Creative Content Agency for legal advice.