1) Information on promotions & how to apply
General promotions
Please also refer to the encore run promotion that follows the open run!
All products that were part of the open run in the past month will automatically receive a 10% discount for 7 days.
Flash sales that overlap with planned exhibitions or brand events may be declined or canceled.
2) Where will promotions be shown?
General promotions
Flash sales
The bottom of the ACON home page
The main banner of the ACON home page
Open-run products that have been selected by the MD
The upper portion of the [SALE] tab: OPEN RUN
Special promotions
Planned promotions
The main banner of the ACON home page
[Events] tab
Brand promotions
The main banner of the ACON home page
Brand week promotions on the ACON home page
3) Notes
You cannot conduct flash sales and open-runs during special promotion periods, such as planned promotions.
Your open-run application may be rejected or delayed if there are any factors that may be a cause for rejection in your product,
A flash sale is conducted on a first-come, first-serve basis and may close early.