파트너 가이드

My product was rejected.

If the reason for rejection exists in a product that you have requested a sales review for, you cannot sell the product. The review request will be rejected.
You can modify the product then request another sales review, which would not violate the rejection policy.
Frequently seen reasons for rejection
Please pay close attention to these.
Wrong SKP file version: All SKP files should be provided in version 17 or below.
Violation of copyright policy: If using external sources, please make sure to list the copyright sources.
Modifying the rejected product
1) Go to your Partner Hub, then [Post List]. Set the filter to [Rejected].
2) Once you have checked all of the rejected products, click on the product names to open the detailed product page.
3) Check the reason for rejection, then make appropriate edits.
4) Click on the [Submit] button on the bottom of the page.
※ Please refer to the guide below for more detailed editing instructions.