파트너 가이드

Am I qualified to join?

Anybody who creates assets can become an ACON partner!
Assets that can be registered on ACON
3D backgrounds, buildings, objects, human body models, etc. (file formats: .skp, .blend, .fbx, .obj, .clip, .cs3o, etc.).
2D brushes, fonts, textures, softwares, and other digital creation tools (file formats: .sut, .abr, .clip, .png, .jpg, .exe, etc.).
Classes utilizing tools such as SketchUp, Clip Studio, etc. (file formats: .clip, .jpg, .mp4, .png, .skp, .txt etc. )
3D objects, textures, and softwares that can be used for game production (file formats: .blend, .cs3c, .fbx, .max, .obj, .psd, .tga, .uasset, .umap, .unitypackage, .uproject etc)
Complete List of File Assets (Press Ctrl + F to search for the desired extension.)
.3dm .abc .abr .afbrushes .ai .asf .asl .atn .avi .bin .blend .bmp .brush .brushset .clip .cmc .cs3c .cs3o .csmc .csmo .dae .dat .dll .dmg .exe .fbx .flv .gif .glb .grd .jpeg .jpg .json .ksp .laf .m4a .ma .max .md .mkv .mov .mp3 .mp4 .mtl .obj .ogg .otf .pak .pat .pdf .png .psd .raw .rbz .sbsar .skm .skp .step .stl .style .sut .svg .swatches .tga .tif .ttf .txt .uasset .umap .unitypackage .uproject .vrm .vroid .vroidcustomitem .wav .wmv .x3d .zpr
You can register in these cases as well!
If you only have one creative work you'd like to sell
If you are an individual creator who has not registered as a business
If you are already selling your products on another website