파트너 가이드

Penalty Policy

ACON3D aims to guarantee the security and dependability of all product transactions by implementing a penalty policy.

Penalty Operational Policy

Penalty measures can be applied to all partner authors utilizing Acon.
This policy may also be applied to products that are suspected of multiple instances of illegal or unfair behavior.
Partner authors have the option to raise objections to the imposed measures, and if their objections are deemed valid, the measures may be lifted.
Please note that penalty history is not automatically deleted.

Penalty Procedure

Reason Verification: We will first verify the violation reason provided by partner authors.
Product Sales Suspension: In the event of violations, affected products will be temporarily suspended from sale, and a notification email will be sent to inform you.
Submission of Clarification: After receiving the suspension notification email, you will have the opportunity to submit a clarification document. Our dedicated department will review the content and provide a response.
Clarification Document Template
Clarification Document.docx
Product Modification: If you make modifications to address the violation, our team will process your request, and the affected product will be reinstated for sale.
Implementation of Measures: The final measures taken will depend on the outcome of steps 1 to 3. ※ Please note that depending on the method and criteria, steps 3 to 4 may be omitted.

Penalty Targets

Copyright Infringement Products
Products created using unauthorized sources that cannot be used for commercial purposes.
Products created by unauthorized borrowing of scenes or sets from movies or dramas.
Products created by unauthorized use of others' creative works.
AI Usage Products
Products that involve AI directly or indirectly in their creation.
Products that include AI usage in their detailed descriptions or images. ※ In cases where products with illegal or unfair elements are identified, they will be subject to penalty measures.

Penalty Measures and Criteria

Copyright violations for products on sale Identifying issues related to AI use
Stop selling the problematic product *Sales can resume after issue is resolved
Copyright violations for products on sale Issues related to AI use have been detected more than twice
Stop selling the problematic product *Sales can resume after issue is resolved 7-day Partner Hub usage restrictions • Restrictions on New Product Registration • Restricting applications for promotions
Copyright violations for products on sale Issues related to AI use have been detected more than three times
Stop selling the problematic product *Sales can resume after issue is resolved 30-day Partner Hub usage restrictions • Restrictions on New Product Registration • Restricting applications for promotions

Important Notes

Even if you are subject to penalty measures, your existing product sales and settlement activities as an author will continue unaffected.
Partner Hub usage restrictions will be automatically lifted after a designated period.
Following the lifting of the 'Usage Restriction' stage, if a penalty is detected again, the 'Usage Restriction' stage will be immediately reinstated.
During the 'Usage Restriction' stage, you have the option to submit a clarification document, and if approved through evaluation, the restriction can be lifted.